
After earth movie
After earth movie

after earth movie
  1. #After earth movie movie#
  2. #After earth movie license#

  • Convection Schmonvection: Kitai takes refuge in a cave with a ledge overlooking an active lava flow and is no worse for wear, and even lights a campfire to make it cozier.
  • Chameleon Camouflage: The Ursa can go invisible, and decloak when they strike, presumably to get a better bead on their now-spooked target.
  • The final shot of the departure from Earth pans from land to the ocean, where dozens of supersized whale backs can be seen cutting through the waves.
  • Brick Joke: Kitai asks if whales were real early in the film, because he's been reading Moby-Dick.
  • Breath Weapon: The Ursa can launch an acid-like projectile from their mouths.
  • Also, the way the Ursa sets up traps to frighten its human prey certainly count.
  • Body Horror: Kitai is bitten by a leech-like creature that causes a gruesome infection in his hand.
  • He lies about it to Cypher when told to report his inventory, but Cypher can tell from Kitai's heart rate that something's wrong and demands proof the next time he orders a report.
  • Blatant Lies: Kitai begins his quest with a pack of potion devices that enhance his respiratory system but two bottles get broken on the way.
  • She spent her last moments protecting him from an Ursa.
  • Big Sister Instinct: Senshi cared dearly for her little brother.
  • Bears Are Bad News: "Ursa" is the Latin word for bear and the Ursa is certainly bad news.
  • Awesome McCoolname: Smith the Elder's character's name: Cypher Raige.
  • Plus, if she died during the night, then her corpse wouldn't have held heat long enough to warm Kitai and save him from dying anyway. She should not have died of exposure if she had been alive for dozens of years in that environment.
  • Additionally, the giant eagle should have adapted already if the planet freezes every single night.
  • Unless it's a metaphor for " Everything wants to kill everything else, including you, and is very fit for it", a planet where "everything has evolved to kill humans" while the humans were absolutely absent from it, makes about as much sense as saying that everything currently on our planet evolved to hunt Neptunians.

    #After earth movie license#

    Artistic License – Biology: Species do not evolve to do something, they evolve because something provided an advantage for survival or reproduction.Besides which, if such temperature swings were possible, then the trek to the tail would be impossible on account of the massive superstorms rendering the path impassable.

    after earth movie

    #After earth movie movie#

    Artistic License – Physics: A little thing called the greenhouse effect renders wild temperature swings like those seen in the movie impossible.Archaic Weapon for an Advanced Age: The Ranger Corps prefer to use melee instead of projectile weapons.Anti-True Sight: The alien monsters can detect humans by smelling the pheromones released by fear, Ghosting is a technique in which the subject feels no fear and becomes invisible to the monster.

    after earth movie

  • All There in the Manual: In regards to the Backstory of AE's fictional universe.
  • Exactly what happened is explained in supplemental material.
  • After the End: The setting of the film is set a thousand years after humans almost destroyed Earth by environmental mismanagement and were forced to emigrate to another planet, where they encountered a hostile alien species with which they entered into a prolonged war.

  • After earth movie